Welcome to Nadrich-cohen-asbestos-attorney Law Office

The Law Offices of Nadrich & Cohen, LLP is a highly successful and well known personal injury law firm representing injury, accident, pharmaceutical recall, defective medical device and chemical exposure victims throughout California and nationwide. Because of our success we have grown to 14 offices throughout California. We are an extremely aggressive law firm and pride ourselves in obtaining the absolute best results for our injury, pharmaceutical recall, medical device and chemical exposure clients. Our asbestos attorneys are proud of their excellent reputation throughout the insurance and pharmaceutical industry because of our aggressiveness, integrity, honesty and professionalism. Clients know that when they hire us they hire the strength, the need to obtain the best results possible.


With many decades of experience, the Law Offices of Nadrich & Cohen, LLP and highly experienced staff of mesothelioma lawyers, paralegals, investigators and law clerks have the expertise and resources to successfully investigate and litigate all of our clients personal injury and/or pharmaceutical claims no matter who or what. We have represented clients in all states. We promise you will leave no stone unturned and will obtain for you the best results possible. We can help immediately . Please email us your inquiry and we will respond within 24 hours.

You or your loved one has legal rights if you have mesothelioma. As Asbestos lawyers we prove that your mesothelioma was caused by exposure to asbestos. We will also prove and have proven on countless occasions that companies making and distributing asbestos have known for years that it is harmful and deadly. We will obtain for you a recovery for all the pain and suffering and medical bills you have incurred and a settlement for all of your loved ones harmed by your mesothelioma.

Contact us today at 1-800-718-4658

Or visit our website at https://www.nationalasbestosattorney.com

12100 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1250  Los Angeles  CA 90025


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01/04/2012 17:07
Would you like to ask us questions about the services we have available? Please contact us. We...

Welcome to our new law office/notary website.

01/04/2012 17:06
We are proud to announce the launch of our new law office/notary website. In addition to the useful...